Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Angel Wisdom


"Change is inevitable, know that divine forces are always at work. It is best to embrace it, as well as the liberation it can represent."

One thing we can all be certain of is Change. Resisting change usually leads to added stress and anxiety.

Angel wisdom reminds you that change is possible in every small decision we make, in the attitude in which we face our journey in life. You may be having a marvelous time, or one of the saddest times; which ever the case, the Angels can surround you with more divine love than every, and additional Angles can be called upon, giving you the love and support you need to bring in the changes of your choosing.

Call upon us to assist you in making your dreams happen in a more focused and steady path, we are here to guide through times of transition. The Law of Attraction insures that you'll manifest whatever is in your thoughts, feelings and knowingness. So, as you dream of change, trust and believe that all things are indeed possible and the only limits you have are those you have imposed upon your path.

Now is the time to go forward with resolute focus with truth, trust and passion. Take the time to fine tune your thoughts and desires to ensure that you are creating that which you desire.

With love, the Angels

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